Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of the most well-known symptoms of andropause, which is the male version of menopause. Andropause is a condition commonly associated with the natural male aging process, and it is often the result of low testosterone levels. Unfortunately, ED is also quite common. In fact, some researchers estimate that as much as 40 percent of men at the age of 40 and 70 percent of men at the age of 70 suffer from some degree of ED.
The most prominent result of ED is, understandably, its effect on male sexual health. However, ED can combine with other symptoms of andropause like stress, anxiety, and reduced sex drive to form a negative feedback loop wherein these symptoms feed off of and further contribute to one another.
Erectile dysfunction is best described as the inability to get and keep an erection to the point that the ability to have sex is reduced or not possible at all. Erections are the result of sexual arousal, but they also rely on a variety of components in the human body, including hormones, nerves, blood vessels, and muscles.
With healthy erections depending on so many different components of the body, there are a wide range of potential sources of ED, including:
Low testosterone levels are the primary characteristic of a condition known as hypogonadism. Andropause, which is caused by the low levels of testosterone associated with the natural male aging process, is also referred to as late-onset hypogonadism (LOH). The low levels of testosterone associated with andropause can lead to ED and a wide range of other symptoms, many of which can also contribute to ED, including:
Low sex drive, also known as low libido, is another one of the more common symptoms of andropause. Some estimates state that as many as one in five men experience low sex drive at some point in their lives. As is the case with ED, low sex drive can be caused by a wide range of potential sources. Some of those sources can be external, such as certain medications and the excess use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco.
Unfortunately, there are also a variety of potential internal sources that often accompany andropause. These sources can also contribute to one another in negative feedback loop relationships. For example, ED can lead to reduced sex drive and vice versa. The same can also be said of anxiety, depression, and stress as they relate to sex drive and ED. The range of potential sources include:
Fortunately, there are multiple options for men to naturally address ED and support healthy sexual function.
Stress is a major source of ED, and these two conditions often contribute to one another. The human body naturally responds to stress with cortisol, which is also referred to as the “stress hormone.” While cortisol allows the body to effectively respond to stress by helping the body return to a balanced state after exposure to stressful situations, extended and repeated periods of stress can lead to the body producing too much cortisol. Chronic stress and high cortisol can then contribute to one another in a negative feedback loop and lead to a wide range of symptoms and health conditions, including ED. Reducing stress can, therefore, potentially address ED and contribute to healthy sexual function.
Some of the best ways to reduce stress include avoiding caffeine, eating healthy food, practicing deep breathing, adhering to a consistent exercise routine, and getting quality sleep on a regular basis.
Since hypogonadism is such a common source of ED, it is possible for men to address ED and support optimal sexual health by balancing levels of testosterone.
As is the case with cortisol, it is possible to naturally support balanced levels of testosterone by exercising regularly and adhering to a healthy diet. Unfortunately, those methods often become less effective after the onset of andropause.
An increasing number of men struggling with the low testosterone levels associated with andropause are turning to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to promote hormonal balance. While HRT can be administered using creams, gels, capsules, and patches, testosterone is most commonly administered in the form of liquid injections. These weekly injections deliver prescribed amounts of testosterone to the body directly through the bloodstream. However, self-injecting testosterone on a weekly basis can be inconvenient and has the potential to lead to pain and discomfort at the injection site.
For a more convenient mode of administering testosterone medications, a growing number of men are taking advantage of hormone pellet therapy. Standard testosterone pellets have been developed to provide the body with consistent amounts of testosterone for months at a time so that fewer procedures are necessary. During a pellet insertion procedure, clusters of prescribed hormone medications are packed into pellets and carefully inserted under the skin. While this method has enhanced the convenience of testosterone replacement therapy, some patients can still experience pain and discomfort at the insertion site.